Seeing the positives – the things I hope theatre will take from lockdown! #staycreative #cultureinquarantine @HIT_CPH #theshowmustgoonline @robmyles

Ok, so before I begin this, there is no questions that this C-19 and lockdown is horrendous for the arts and for actors, musicians, theatre makers and so on. BUT I want to try and think of some positives so that is what this is about. I have been speaking to a lot of peopleContinue reading “Seeing the positives – the things I hope theatre will take from lockdown! #staycreative #cultureinquarantine @HIT_CPH #theshowmustgoonline @robmyles”

Dinner with a side of Immersion

The age of immersive, interactive, innovative and imaginative dining is well upon us.  You want to just eat your food, without accomplishing or experiencing anything else while doing it? Well that’s unfortunate because immersive eating and drinking experiences are popping up everywhere and it looks like they’re here to stay! Immersive theatre, which I expectContinue reading “Dinner with a side of Immersion”

Easing back in gently? I don’t think so…

#Tweetingit – A week back and 20 shows booked in to review. I don’t like to make my life easy. WOW – it has been a busy week – not seeing shows but booking them in.  I have 20 shows booked between now and the middle of June – most of which are in theContinue reading “Easing back in gently? I don’t think so…”

Rhiannon Reflects on 18 months without theatre and BEING BACK!

#Tweetingit – Rhiannon reflects in 140 characters – What on earth have I done for 18 months? Some fun things, but the theatre void was odd. Get to the theatre and enjoy everything it brings! Since 23 August 2014 The Roman Catholic Church beatified Pope Paul VI, Cuba and the US re-established diplomatic relations, endingContinue reading “Rhiannon Reflects on 18 months without theatre and BEING BACK!”

News: To Kill a Mockingbird at The Marlowe Theatre

To Kill a Mockingbird was my favourite book at school. My English teacher leant me her copy from her own book collection and I instantly fell in love with it and now it comes to the stage! THE CRITICALLY-acclaimed production of To Kill A Mockingbird starts its UK tour in Canterbury in September. Directed byContinue reading “News: To Kill a Mockingbird at The Marlowe Theatre”

Do’s and Dont’s of going through the RIFT Macbeth

How to make it through the RIFT in one piece… ‘Tweetingit – post in 140 characters – Want to survive the RIFT? Just a few tips from someone who (just about) made it out alive   Dos and Don’ts of The Rift – Macbeth Do put some effort into your passport. Don’t worry, you areContinue reading “Do’s and Dont’s of going through the RIFT Macbeth”

News: Playhouse Pickings’ first quote

#Tweeting it – news item in 140 characters –EEEEEEEEEEE Playhouse Pickings’ first quote on a theatre poster for Thriller Live in the Metro and Evening Standard So, I have to say, I am a bit excited – as you may have gathered from my #Tweetingit! As you will see from the picture below ( I haveContinue reading “News: Playhouse Pickings’ first quote”

News: Overnight Macbeth? Tonight at an undisclosed location

Rift – Macbeth #Tweeting it – the premise in 140 characters – An audience immersed into Shakespeare’s classic for a full 12 hours in a secret location? Anything could happen “OVERNIGHT MACBETH?” This is the reaction I have had from nearly everyone when I have told them about this new ground-breaking production of one ofContinue reading “News: Overnight Macbeth? Tonight at an undisclosed location”

Bathhouse! The Musical extended by popular demand

Good news folks! The extremely popular Bathhouse! The Musical has had its time at Above the Stag, Vauxhall extended until the 9th August 2014. Tickets will be on sale shortly. Playhouse Pickings’ review can be found at Tickets can be found at :

Rhiannon Reflects on…immersive theatre

#Tweetingit – Rhiannon’s reflections in 140 characters Immersive theatre – however we got so immersed, give it a go, there’s something out there for everyone I blame Deirdre Rachid. What was is about that storyline that got the nation so riled up and wanting to actually get involved in the show? Over the last decadeContinue reading “Rhiannon Reflects on…immersive theatre”